Celebrating resilience

The Little Star Beads Program offers children little rewards for their medical procedures and milestones in treatment in the form of unique beads. Strung together on a personalised string featuring your child’s name, the beads tell the story of your child’s personal medical journey.

Children with serious illnesses often face many hospital stays and outpatient visits. During these times, the children may need to go through medical procedures that can be painful and traumatic. Children are wonderfully resilient and often, at these times, their courage and strength are awe-inspiring, but dealing with these procedures is never easy for them or their families.

If your child has been diagnosed with a serious long-term illness, and requires medical treatment, they are eligible for the Little Stars Beads Program. We welcome children from birth to 12 years, regardless of their diagnosis.

Tiny beads for little ones

Some of our bead programs are specifically for babies in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in various hospitals. Some babies earn well over 100 beads before they go home for the very first time.

Since 2000, we have supplied over 100,000 beautiful little beads for milestones and medical procedures for more than 2,000 seriously ill babies and children across 15 hospitals in the ACT, NSW, Queensland and SA.

Our partners

The Little and Tiny Stars Beads programs are rolling out across Australian hospitals. Our program partners are listed below.

Interested in having Little Star Beads at your hospital?

These children often have many hospital stays and outpatient visits, and during these times the children may need to go through medical procedures that can be painful and traumatic. Children are wonderfully resilient and often, at these times, their courage and strength are awe-inspiring, but dealing with these procedures is never easy for them or their families.

If your child has been diagnosed with a serious long term illness, and requires regular medical treatment, they are eligible for the Little Star Beads program. We welcome children from birth to 12 years to our program, regardless of the type or date of their diagnosis.